The Spanish universitary system
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In Spain there are more than 70 Universities, and the majority are public. Cities where there are the most Universities are Madrid, Barcelone and Valencia.
The Spanish course
Diplomas in Spain and in United Kingdom don't need necessarily the same years number. It exists different degrees as in UK :
- Diplomado : It takes two or three years.
- Licenciado : It is equivalent to the Bachelor in UK, but it is a little bit longer with four or five years of studies.
- Magister ou diploma especializada : It is the same than the Master, it is in two or three years. There is not really an equivalent for the Bachelor of Honour.
- Doctorado : It is like the British doctorate, and there are two or three more years after the Magister.
Different types of asignaturas (subjects) :
- asignaturas troncales : They are common subjects in all the Universities (public, private or religious) and it depends on what you are studying.
- asignaturas obligatorias : Students are obligated to attend some subjects if they are in the same course of study. Nevertheless, those subjects can change to one University to another.
- asignaturas optativas : They are subjects that the University choose freely. they allow student to specialized themselves for their future career.
- asignaturas de libre elección: They can be other subjects, seminars or sportive and artistic activities.
Reforms planned for the Spanish universitary system until 2015
Since 2008 and with European students that are more and more attracted by Spain, attraction, The universitary system reform is ongoing in order to improve his integration, not only in Europe but also in the entire world. Their objectives are the followers :
- Adapting their missions, governance, funding, and functions data in the University to the economical and social context.
- Offering universitary formations based on criterions of quality and economical and social adequacy, for the sake of attraction in a European and international scale.
- Strengthening search and development capacity and their impact on the innovation and well-being, with a competitive integration process in the new knowledge economy.
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